Nordic Pole Walking is a low-impact exercise that provides the highest benefits for health, wellness and fitness for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Anyone can become a Nordic Pole Walker and instantly experience the benefits of poling. Pole Walking has been proven and validated through many scientific and clinical research studies to be a catalyst in promotion of improving your health, physical activity and rehabilitation.
Some of the benefits of Nordic Pole Walking are:
- you incorporate 90% use of body muscles (only 40% while walking without poles)
- you increase your cardiovascular workout
- increases of up to 46% higher calorie expenditure
- there is reduced stress on your hips and knees through the support of the poles
- you improve your posture and balance
- perceived as less workout than the actual true physical exertion
- upper body activity using the poles improves upper body mobility upper body activity using the poles reduces upper back, neck and shoulder pains through upper body muscle strengthening
- it is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels
InsideOut offers one-to-one classes to help teach you how to use the poles properly and the basic walking technique. Also offered is Free monthly Introduction to Nordic Pole Walking Sessions.
For more information on Nordic Pole Walking, pole walking programs offered at InsideOut Physiotherapy, and Nordic Pole products, click here.