Nordic Pole Walking is a low-impact exercise that provides the highest benefits for Health, Wellness and Fitness for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Anyone can become a Nordic Pole Walker and instantly experience the benefits of poling. Pole Walking has been proven and validated through many scientific and clinical research studies to be a catalyst in promotion of improving your health, physical activity and rehabilitation.
Nordic Pole Walking started in Finland in the early 1990s as a way for cross-country skiers to train during the summer months. It was introduced as a low-impact form of exercise that involves walking with a pair of customized poles. The activity exploded across Europe in the 1990s and has grown to the point where today more than 20% of Finns and approximately 10-15 million Germans regularly pole walk.
Anyone who suffers from diabetes, who’s overweight or has high blood pressure and has been encouraged by their physician to exercise, this is the activity for you. Or if you are already an active walker and want to see even greater improvements in your health, this activity is also great for you. The basis is simple. Normal walking utilizes muscles in the lower half of the body while pole walking adds the use of your upper body muscles, your arms, back, shoulders and neck. Pole Walking turns your walk into a whole-body activity.
Numerous clinical studies show the vast benefits of pole walking, especially among seniors. Poling contributes to faster weight loss, better cardiovascular health and better posture. Poling even helps people recovering from knee or hip surgery to get moving again through the support from the poles.
The health benefits of pole walking are so convincing that hospitals and the medical community are actively encouraging its integration into health and wellness practice.
Some of the benefits of Nordic Pole Walking are:
- you incorporate 90% use of body muscles using the pole (only 40 – 50% muscle use without poles)
- you increase your cardiovascular workout
- increases of up to 46% higher calorie expenditure
- there is up to 30% reduced stress on your hips and knees through support of the pole
- 25 – 46% more calories burned than walking without poles
- you improve your posture, balance and stability
- perceived as less workout than the actual true physical exertion
- upper body activity using the poles improves upper body mobility
- upper body activity using the poles reduces upper back, neck and shoulder pains
- it is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels
For a list of scientific research studies on Nordic Pole Walking and its many overall health and physiological benefits, visit Nordixx Canada’s web site.