Leukotape-K Kinesiology Tape

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Leukotape-K Kinesiology Tape

Leukotape-K / Kinesiology Tape

InsideOut offers Leukotape-K Kinesiology tape by Essity in a variety of colours: TAN,  BLUE,  PINK,  BLACK.    

The InsideOut therapists are experts in the application of this tape and incorporate it into Physiotherapy treatment.  

Call or visit us to purchase this tape.

product Leukotape-K on shoulder

Leukotape® K is an elastic tape used to support the sensory functions.   The proper application of kinesiology tape can effectively re-educate the body motor system, relieving pain and allowing one to return to activity sooner.  The kinesiology taping method helps lift the skin and allows the flow of body fluids underneath the application area,  near the muscles.  This added flow of fluid around the muscles results in better muscle performance and relieves muscle fatigue.

Taping does not restrict movement and does allow a full range of body motion during your everyday activities and sports.  The stretchable cotton material works ideally with the skin’s natural elasticity.  The tape adhesive is coated with a skin-friendly polyacrylate adhesive.  It is Latex FREE,  to minimize any irritation to the skin.  It is heat-activated for adhesion,  very light weight,  and hypo-allergenic,  causing less skin irritation than other tapes.

The use of Kinesiology tape involves tape covering the affected muscles or muscle area and helps to:

  • reduce pain and inflammation
  • relax muscles that are suffering from overuse
  • support muscle movement
  • reduce lymphedema  (collection of high-protein fluid just beneath the skin causing swelling)